Definition of Logic gate

1. Noun. A computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs.

Exact synonyms: Gate
Specialized synonyms: And Circuit, And Gate, Nand Circuit, Nand Gate, Or Circuit, Or Gate, X-or Circuit, Xor Circuit, Xor Gate
Generic synonyms: Computer Circuit

Definition of Logic gate

1. Noun. a physical device, typically electronic, which computes a Boolean logical output (0 or 1) from Boolean input or inputs according to the rules of some logical operator. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Logic Gate

logic analyzer
logic board
logic boards
logic bomb
logic bombs
logic chopper
logic diagram
logic element
logic fallacies
logic fallacy
logic gate
logic gates
logic operation
logic programing
logic programming
logical argument
logical atomism
logical calculus
logical complement
logical connective
logical constant
logical diagram
logical fallacies
logical fallacy

Literary usage of Logic gate

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Catalyzing Inquiry at the Interface of Computing and Biology by John C. Wooley, Herbert Lin (2005)
"In other words, the logic gate is an abstraction of an underlying technology (based on ... A biological logic gate uses intracellular chemical mechanisms, ..."

2. Silicon Destiny: The Story of Application Specific Integrated Circuits and by Rob Walker, Nancy Tersini (1992)
"The headline says, "Get Involved, Stan Now" because we didn 't actually have working silicon at the time. , J£c :-.«:-. »r.5 A modern LSI logic gate array ..."

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