Medical Definition of Liver cell

1. Usually implies hepatocytes, even though other cell types are found in the liver Kupffer cells for example). Hepatocytes are relatively unspecialised epithelial cells and are the biochemist's typical animal cell. This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Liver Cell

liver-shod clamp
liver-spleen scan
liver-spotted dalmatian
liver Lactobacillus casei factor
liver abscess
liver acinus
liver anatomy
liver and onions
liver bird
liver birds
liver breath
liver bud
liver calcifications
liver cancer
liver cell (current term)
liver cell carcinoma
liver chestnut
liver circulation
liver cirrhosis
liver cyst
liver diet
liver disease
liver enzyme
liver extracts
liver failure
liver filtrate factor
liver flap
liver fluke
liver function test

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