Definition of Literary work
1. Noun. Imaginative or creative writing.
Generic synonyms: Piece Of Writing, Writing, Written Material
Specialized synonyms: Acrostic, Belles Lettres, Belles-lettres, Dialog, Dialogue, Fiction, Fictionalisation, Fictionalization, Hagiology, Lucubration, Pastoral, Poem, Verse Form, Potboiler, Tushery
Lexicographical Neighbors of Literary Work
Literary usage of Literary work
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Mark Twain: A Biography : the Personal and Literary Life of Samuel Langhorne by Albert Bigelow Paine (1912)
"... CCII literary work IN VIENNA ONE must wonder, with all the social demands upon
him, how Clemens could find time to write as much as he did during those ..."
2. Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Standard Work of Reference in Art, Literature (1907)
"In 1780 he removed to London to devote himself to literary work, publishing, in
1781, a volume of Rimes of no great merit, and a professed collection of ..."
3. Publishers Weekly by Publishers' Board of Trade (U.S.), Book Trade Association of Philadelphia, American Book Trade Union, Am. Book Trade Association, R.R. Bowker Company (1891)
"A GREAT literary work. Memoir of John Murray, With his Correspondence and an
Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, ..."
4. Careers for Women by Catherine Filene (1920)
"literary work THE BOOK-REVIEWER HELEN BISHOP DENNIS Description of occupation
Boston Herald IN order to make this information helpful, it is necessary to ..."