Definition of Legerdemain
1. Noun. An illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers.
Generic synonyms: Performance
Specialized synonyms: Card Trick, Prestidigitation, Sleight Of Hand
Derivative terms: Illusionist, Magical, Magician
Definition of Legerdemain
1. n. Sleight of hand; a trick of sleight of hand; hence, any artful deception or trick.
Definition of Legerdemain
1. Noun. Sleight of hand; "magic" trickery ¹
2. Noun. A show of skill or deceitful ability ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Legerdemain
1. [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Legerdemain
Literary usage of Legerdemain
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navaho Language by Franciscans, St. Michaels, Ariz (1910)
"... various legerdemain (sill) was, until very recently, still in vogue; for
instance, the dancing porcupine quills, the growing of the yucca or corn, ..."
2. The Talisman: A Tale of the Crusaders by Walter Scott (1878)
"... she laughed in bitter anger. " Now this passes imagination !" she said ; " no
jongleur can show so deft a transmutation I His legerdemain can transform ..."
3. Allen's Synonyms and Antonyms by Frederic Sturges Allen (1920)
"¡if trickery in legerdemain), hocus-pocus, pettifogging, hocus (archaic or rare),
... legerdemain ..."
4. The Manners & Customs of the Modern Egyptians by Edward William Lane (1908)
modern writers upon Egypt have given surprising : accounts of a class of men ..."
5. A Record of the Boston Stage by William Warland Clapp (1853)
"The Induce ments held out by CS Powell. — legerdemain.—Arrival of Mr. -and Mrs.
GL Barrett. — Mrs. Whitlock. ..."