Definition of Iris kaempferi

1. Noun. Iris native to Japan having large showy flowers.

Exact synonyms: Japanese Iris
Generic synonyms: Beardless Iris

Lexicographical Neighbors of Iris Kaempferi

Iridoprocne bicolor
Iriomote cat
Iriomote cats
Iris Murdoch
Iris cristata
Iris filifolia
Iris florentina
Iris foetidissima
Iris germanica
Iris germanica florentina
Iris kaempferi
Iris kochii
Iris pallida
Iris persica
Iris pseudacorus
Iris tingitana
Iris verna
Iris versicolor
Iris virginica
Iris xiphioides
Iris xiphium
Irish English
Irish Free State

Literary usage of Iris kaempferi

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Alpines and Bog-plants by Reginald John Farrer (1908)
"The Japanese themselves fully recognise this, and in all gardens, public or private, iris kaempferi has a broad bed to itself away from other things. ..."

2. Journal of the International Garden Club by International Garden Club (1918)
"I am not sure that I have seen the wild type of iris kaempferi. Its garden hybrids are familiar to all. Given full sun, plenty of water and rich soil, ..."

3. The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania: Annotated Checklist and Atlas by Ann Fowler Rhoads, William M. Klein (1993)
"iris kaempferi Maxim. W Iris flavescens Delile Iris Herbaceous perennial Cultivated and rarely persisting at abandoned homesites. Iris germanica L. German ..."

4. Alpines and Bog-plants by Reginald John Farrer (1908)
"The Japanese themselves fully recognise this, and in all gardens, public or private, iris kaempferi has a broad bed to itself away from other things. ..."

5. Journal of the International Garden Club by International Garden Club (1918)
"I am not sure that I have seen the wild type of iris kaempferi. Its garden hybrids are familiar to all. Given full sun, plenty of water and rich soil, ..."

6. The Vascular Flora of Pennsylvania: Annotated Checklist and Atlas by Ann Fowler Rhoads, William M. Klein (1993)
"iris kaempferi Maxim. W Iris flavescens Delile Iris Herbaceous perennial Cultivated and rarely persisting at abandoned homesites. Iris germanica L. German ..."

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