¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Interregional
1. [adj]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Interregional
Literary usage of Interregional
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Balancing Agricultural Development and Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon by Andrea Cattaneo (2002)
"CHAPTER 5 The Effects of Macroeconomic, interregional, and Intraregional Change
A diverse set of indirect causes-macroeconomic, interregional, ..."
2. The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective by Angus Maddison (2001)
"Levels of Per Capita GDP and interregional Spreads, 1000—1998 Western Europe
Western Offshoots Japan Asia (excluding Japan) Latin America Eastern Europe ..."
3. Growth and Equity: Policies and Implementation in Indian Agriculture by J. S. Sarma (1981)
"Also, where the new technology is applicable to irrigated and assured-rainfall
areas, there is no question that interregional disparities will widea The ..."
4. Effects of Panterritorial Pricing Policy for Maize in Tanzania by Yuriko Suzuki, Andrew Bernard (1987)
"Table 5—Estimated costs of required interregional transfers of maize, 1980/81
Departure Point Destination Cost/Ton Source: Tanzania, Ministry of Agriculture ..."
5. Regionalism: Problems and Prospects by Bertus De Villiers, Jabu Sindane (1993)
"3.4 Fiscal powers, interregional fiscal transfers, and regional economic development
I have said little ..."
6. The Stratigraphy of the Western American Trias by James Perrin Smith (1907)
"Tertiary and living species. Summary. Present physical geography. On homo taxis.
On the permanence of the shore line. interregional correlation. ..."