Definition of Intermediate cuneiform bone

1. Noun. (anatomy) One of the three cuneiform bones of the foot. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Intermediate cuneiform bone

1. A bone of the distal row of the tarsus; it articulates with the medial and lateral cuneiform, navicular, and second metatarsal bones. Synonym: os cuneiforme intermedium, mesocuneiform, middle cuneiform bone, second cuneiform bone, wedge bone. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Intermediate Cuneiform Bone

intermediary nerve
intermediary plane
intermediary system
intermediate abutment
intermediate amputation
intermediate antebrachial vein
intermediate basilic vein
intermediate body of Flemming
intermediate bronchus
intermediate carcinoma
intermediate care facilities
intermediate cephalic vein
intermediate cervical septum
intermediate cubital vein
intermediate cuneiform bone
intermediate cuneiform bones
intermediate density lipoprotein
intermediate disk
intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
intermediate filament
intermediate filament proteins
intermediate filaments
intermediate frequency
intermediate ganglia
intermediate great muscle
intermediate haemorrhage
intermediate heart
intermediate host
intermediate hypothalamic region

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