Definition of Interior monologue
1. Noun. A literary genre that presents a fictional character's sequence of thoughts in the form of a monologue.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Interior Monologue
Literary usage of Interior monologue
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. L1-statistical Procedures and Related Topics by Yadolah Dodge (1997)
"Statistical Procedures and Related Topics IMS Lecture Notes - Monograph Series (1997)
Volume 31 i\ computation: An interior monologue Roger Koenker ..."
2. Practical Ideas for Teaching Writing As a Process by Carol B. Olson (1996)
"Include, through interior monologue, what your character is thinking during this
moment. Footnote all material obtained from research. ..."
3. The Artist at Work: Narrative Technique in Chrétien de Troyes by Evelyn Mullally (1988)
"... however, Chrétien pushes the use of religious analogy as far as he can.
Fenice does not conclude her interior monologue, ..."
4. Similarities of Redaction of the Gospel According to Matthew, with Texts of by Pasi K. Pohjala (2006)
"Also this Philonic text notices ruler and describes speaking, it notices the
interior monologue of a ruler, and the topic of the relationship between ruler ..."