Definition of Inspirational
1. Adjective. Imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul.
Definition of Inspirational
1. a. Pertaining to inspiration.
Definition of Inspirational
1. Adjective. Having the quality to inspire. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Inspirational
1. [adj]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Inspirational
Literary usage of Inspirational
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Educational Values by William Chandler Bagley (1911)
"In view of the fact that the inspirational and instructional functions have not
hitherto been explicitly differentiated in the educative process, ..."
2. Talks on Teaching Literature by Arlo Bates (1906)
"VII THE inspirational USE OF LITERATURE THE term " inspirational," which I have
used as indicating the second division of the teaching of literature, ..."
3. The Textbook: How to Use and Judge it by Alfred Lawrence Hall-Quest (1920)
"This lesson plan or type of organization may be called The inspirational Preview.
THE inspirational PREVIEW The Purpose of the Preview. ..."
4. Supervised Study in Mathematics and Science by Stephen Clayton Sumner (1922)
"LESSON I THE inspirational PREVIEW Meaning of inspirational Preview. — As has
already been emphasized in the companion introduction to algebra, ..."
5. Your Psychic Powers and how to Develop Them by Hereward Carrington (1920)
"CHAPTER XXI inspirational SPEAKING AND TEST-MESSAGES inspirational speaking
depends partly upon the activity of your own subconscious mind and partly upon ..."
6. Modern Spiritualism: A History and a Criticism by Frank Podmore (1902)
"Prior to 1860, as already shown, trance communications and inspirational writing
and drawing had played the leading part in this country in the spread of ..."