Definition of Immantle
1. v. t. See Emmantle.
Definition of Immantle
1. Verb. To cover; to mantle. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Immantle
1. to cloak in a mantle [v IMMANTLED, IMMANTLING, IMMANTLES]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Immantle
Literary usage of Immantle
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Universal History, Ancient and Modern: From the Earliest Records of Time, to by William Fordyce Mavor (1804)
"The mountains roar, and again the waves, foaming with rage, immantle. 4he unvanquished
waters in white. ..."
2. An Alphabetical List of English Words Occurring in the Literature of the by Philological Society (Great Britain), Philological Society (Great Britain (1861)
"... immantle, va T Immaterial, adj. W Immaturity, sb. W Immeasurably, adv. Tra,
Stowe Immediate, adj. Froude Immediately, adv. W Immensity, sb. ..."