Medical Definition of Hysterosalpingogram: kidde technique
Instruments, single-toothed tenaculum: maintain seal and provide traction, acorn tip, Kidde cannula contrast, Sinografin (meglumine diatrizoate/iodipamide), Renografin (meglumine iothol diatrizoate) both water soluble, advantages: quicker filling, better visualization, absorbed rapidly from peritoneum, no vasc embol of particulates, no local inflamm treatmentn, disadvantage: increased pain with rapid distention technical problems, contrast instilled too quickly hides subtle abnormality: small polyp, small leiomyoma, synechiae, leak around os due to patulous or stenotic cervix, bicornuate or septate uterus (use shorter tip), lack of tubal filling: non-specific finding, may be technique, cornual spasm, mucous plug, reinject with Glucagon 1mg positive findings, peritoneal spillage if rugal fold of ampulla seen, contrast may loculate in peri-fimbrial adhesion
(12 Dec 1998)
Lexicographical Neighbors of Hysterosalpingogram: Kidde Technique
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