Definition of Hypothetical
1. Adjective. Based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence. "Hypothetical situation"
Similar to: Theoretic, Theoretical
Derivative terms: Conjecture, Conjecture, Conjecture, Hypothesis, Supposition, Supposition, Supposition, Supposition, Supposition, Supposition, Supposition
2. Noun. A hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.. "Consider the following, just as a hypothetical"
Definition of Hypothetical
1. Adjective. Based upon a hypothesis; conjectural ¹
2. Adjective. (philosophy) conditional; contingent upon some hypothesis/antecedent ¹
3. Noun. A hypothetical situation or proposition ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Hypothetical
1. [adj]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Hypothetical
Literary usage of Hypothetical
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. An Introductory Logic by James Edwin Creighton (1909)
"CHAPTER XI hypothetical AND DISJUNCTIVE ARGUMENTS § 40. The hypothetical Syllogism.
— We have hitherto been dealing with syllogisms composed entirely of ..."
2. Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic: Including a Generalization of Logical by John Neville Keynes (1884)
"The form of reasoning in which a hypothetical conclusion is inferred from two
hypothetical premisses is apparently overlooked by some logicians; ..."
3. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology: Including Many of the Principal by James Mark Baldwin (1901)
"In all cases the hypothetical judgment rests upon the assertion of some general
relation as holding good ; and all are agreed as to the general principle of ..."
4. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology: Including Many of the Principal by James Mark Baldwin (1901)
"In all cases the hypothetical judgment rests upon the assertion of some general
relation as holding good ; and all are agreed as to the general principle of ..."
5. The Essentials of Logic by Roy Wood Sellars (1917)
"The hypothetical Syllogism. A hypothetical proposition combines a condition with a
... In a hypothetical syllogism, the major premise if hypothetical, ..."
6. The Mathematical theory of probabilities and its application to frequency by Arne Fisher (1922)
"As examples of hypothetical judgment we have the two following well-known ...
In natural science, hypothetical judgments are founded on certain occurrences ..."
7. Logic by Christoph Sigwart (1895)
"This is the so-called pure hypothetical syllogism ; here again we see the ...
This is the hypothetical sorites, and its premises may be arranged in two ways ..."