¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Humblings
1. humbling [n] - See also: humbling
Lexicographical Neighbors of Humblings
Literary usage of Humblings
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Practical Works by David Clarkson (1864)
"The end of those legal humblings is to fit you for Christ, ... If you be fit for
Christ it is enough, how little soever your humblings have been. (1. ..."
2. The Humbled Sinner Resolved what He Should Do to be Saved: Or, Faith in the by Obadiah Sedgwick (1656)
"... s to Joy AH infe.f arable fruit of faith, the heart toput it felfe upon .:.
p. 92 humblings and meltings of fad . - . 147 Chrift. ..."
3. Additional Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Late Minister of St by Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1847)
"You are not seeking to buy forgiveness from God by your humblings and by your
tears, but you ate seeking to buy Christ from God by these ..."
4. The Works of President Edwards by Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd (1830)
"Though it be after legal humblings, and much of a sense of their own helplessness,
and of the insufficiency of their own duties; yet it does not appear to ..."
5. The Works of President Edwards by Jonathan Edwards, David Brainerd (1830)
"Though it be after legal humblings, and much of a sense of their own helplessness,
and of the insufficiency of their own duties; yet it does not appear to ..."
6. The Works of President Edwards ...: A Reprint of the Worcester Edition, with by Jonathan Edwards (1844)
"... not so particular a sight of it at the beginning, they have very clear
discoveries of it soon afterwards, with great humblings in the dust before Gpd. . ..."
7. The works of Thomas Goodwin by Thomas Goodwin (1864)
"these humblings and seekings, as they are thy doing) that God ... thy repentance,
thy humblings of thyself, that have run all along with them, ..."