¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Houseboys
1. houseboy [n] - See also: houseboy
Lexicographical Neighbors of Houseboys
Literary usage of Houseboys
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. State of the Nation: South Africa 2007 by Sakhela Buhlungu (2007)
"Those white women who neglected their domestic duties and employed black
male 'houseboys' came in for criticism, as did the women's subsequent familiarity ..."
2. Zanzibar in Contemporary Times: A Short History of the Southern East in the by Robert Nunez Lyne (1905)
"houseboys get from five to twenty.five rupees a month, according to their work
as punkah boys, body servants, or head stewards. The latter positions are ..."
3. In the Shade of an Acacia Tree: Memoirs of a Health Officer in Africa, 1945-1959 by Frank L. Lambrecht (1991)
"Then came their two houseboys with their belongings, which soon swamped all and
included two goats and a large cotton basket full of chickens. ..."
4. Methodist Adventures in Negro Education by Jay Samuel Stowell (1922)
"They work as houseboys, waiters, porters, barbers, and in sundry other capacities.
Many of them go regularly on two meals a day, not pausing to interrupt ..."
5. The Geometric Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations and Algebraic Functions by Georges Valiron (1984)
"These early converts worked as cooks and houseboys for the first colonial
administrators beginning in the 1920s and were the only ..."
6. The Inhabitants of the Philippines by Frederic Henry Read Sawyer (1900)
"Mayordomo, or steward, who would act as butler . 8 per month. Two houseboys, one
would valet the master, the other would trim lamps and pull the punkah, ..."