¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Healthiest
1. healthy [adj] - See also: healthy
Lexicographical Neighbors of Healthiest
Literary usage of Healthiest
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Our New Possessions ...: A Graphic Account, Descriptive and Historical, of by Trumbull White (1898)
"THE healthiest OF THE ANTILLES." DIRECTLY south of Nova Scotia, and, consequently,
farther east than the extremest point of the United States of America, ..."
2. Tracts and Other Papers Relating Principally to the Origin, Settlement, and by Peter Force (1838)
"And a former Description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest
Plantation of New Albion in North Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses. ..."
3. The Imperial Gazetteer of India by William Wilson Hunter (1887)
"79° 4' E. Population (18-81) 8200, namely, Muhammadans 4987, and Hindus 3213.
The town is built on rising ground, and is considered the healthiest place in ..."
4. Calendar of State Papers by Great Britain Public Record Office, John William Fortescue (1904)
"The Jamaica merchants represent that if their ships sail about the 10th of December
they will arrive at the healthiest season and will find the crop ready ..."
5. A Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological, and Practical, on the by Daniel Drake (1854)
"... Cald- wtll. several years since, attempted to show, that taking the year round,
New Orleans was the healthiest city on the continent. SECTION II. ..."
6. A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine by George Bacon Wood (1866)
"... stimulating drinks in excess and all other causes of direct excitement, and
the preservation of all the functions in the healthiest possible condition. ..."