Definition of Hand puppet

1. Noun. A puppet with a cloth body and hollow head; fits over the hand.

Exact synonyms: Glove Doll, Glove Puppet
Generic synonyms: Puppet

Definition of Hand puppet

1. Noun. A puppet operated by the hand, especially one in which the puppeteer's hand occupies and controls the head ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Hand Puppet

hand mower
hand net
hand off
hand on a plate
hand organ
hand out
hand over
hand over fist
hand pay
hand pie
hand pile
hand plant
hand press
hand presses
hand pump
hand puppet
hand puppets
hand ratio
hand round
hand saw
hand saws
hand shandies
hand shovel
hand someone his head
hand strength
hand surgeon
hand tab
hand throttle
hand to hand

Literary usage of Hand puppet

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Panorama of Science and Art: Embracing the Sciences of Aerostation by James Smith (1815)
"The projection of the mandrel, and that of the screw in the right hand puppet, IB always rather more than the breadth of both the cutter-traînes together, ..."

2. The New Englander by William Lathrop Kingsley (1867)
"... to the martial glory of a sham-fight i»ta militia training; or to the excitement of the combat in a Punch-and Judy show, when the left-hand puppet ..."

3. New Englander and Yale Review by Edward Royall Tyler, William Lathrop Kingsley, George Park Fisher, Timothy Dwight (1867)
"... when the left-hand puppet is so horribly banged with that terrible club by the right-hand puppet; ..."

4. Church Papers: Sundry Essays in Subjects Relating to the Church and by Leonard Woolsey Bacon (1877)
"... or to the excitement of the combat in a Punch-and-Judy show, when the left-hand puppet is so horribly banged with that frightful club by the right-hand ..."

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