Definition of Grasslike

1. Adjective. Resembling grass.

Similar to: Grassy

Definition of Grasslike

1. Adjective. That has the characteristics of grass. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Grasslike

1. [adj]

Literary usage of Grasslike

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians by Wilfred William Robbins, John Peabody Harrington, Barbara W. Freire-Marreco (1916)
"GRASSES AND grasslike PLANTS The word meaning ' grass' is ta. All true grasses and grasslike plants, as sedges, may be called ta. There is evidence here of ..."

2. Bulletin by United States Bureau of Plant Industry (1907)
"Note Ihe arrangement of the long-stemmed leaves along the entire stem and the graceful spike of feathery flowers, as compared with the grasslike basal ..."

3. The Physiography of the United States: Ten Monographs by National Geographic Society (U.S.), J. W. Powell (1896)
"When the lagoons behind the sand beaches have become shallowed to the depth of ten or twenty feet, certain low-grade flowering plants, mostly of grasslike ..."

4. Military Geology and Topography: A Presentation of Certain Phases of Geology by Herbert Ernest Gregory (1918)
"A swamp overgrown with shorter, grasslike vegetation and having more or less the aspect of a meadow will usually be much drier. ..."

5. My Garden by Louise Beebe Wilder (1916)
"Its gay, reddish-purple blossoms are almost hidden among its narrow, grasslike leaves. It is easily grown in any sunny border and has an agreeable fragrance ..."

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