Definition of Grasser

1. Noun. (British slang) A grass (informer) ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Grasser

1. an informer [n -S] - See also: informer

Literary usage of Grasser

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry by Thomas Edward Thorpe (1921)
"1908, i. 1837) has isolated a crystalline paraffin, mp 49-5*-60", from the oil of birch leaves. According to grasser and Purkert (Chem. Zentr. 1910,i. ..."

2. Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Lake Region by J.H. Beers & Co (1905)
"PETER grasser, one of the well- known miners of Minnesota, who dates his ... John and Susan grasser, his parents, brought their family to America in 1847, ..."

3. History of Detroit, a Chronicle of Its Progress, Its Industries, Its by Paul Leake (1912)
"Her first marriage was to Fred grasser, a well known decorator of Detroit, who was born in ... Henry CF grasser is in the John Kraft Wood and Coal Company. ..."

4. The City of Detroit, Michigan, 1701-1922 by Clarence Monroe Burton, William Stocking, Gordon K. Miller, S. J. Clarke Publishing Company (1922)
"In 1915 he was elected secretary and treasurer of the John Kraft Coal Company, while Henry CF grasser, his half-brother, was president of the company. ..."

5. Technology of Cellulose Esters: A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the by Edward Chauncey Worden (1921)
"grasser, see Smith. grasser, C., 2677. grasser, G., 2678. Grasset, E., and S. Hassmann, 2681. Grassi, G., 2454. Gratzel, A. v., 1122. Grau, A., and F. RUSS, ..."

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