Definition of Genus condylura

1. Noun. Star-nosed moles.

Exact synonyms: Condylura
Generic synonyms: Mammal Genus
Group relationships: Family Talpidae, Talpidae

Lexicographical Neighbors of Genus Condylura

genus Collocalia
genus Colobus
genus Colocasia
genus Coluber
genus Colubrina
genus Columba
genus Columnea
genus Colutea
genus Comandra
genus Comatula
genus Combretum
genus Commelina
genus Commiphora
genus Compsognathus
genus Comptonia
genus Condylura
genus Conepatus
genus Conferva
genus Conilurus
genus Coniogramme
genus Conium
genus Connarus
genus Connochaetes
genus Conocarpus
genus Conoclinium
genus Conopodium
genus Conradina
genus Consolida
genus Contopus

Literary usage of Genus condylura

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (1825)
"This beautiful species does not appear to me to have been described ; it was brought from the coast Bengal. te on the genus CONDYLURA of Illiger. ..."

2. The Boston Journal of Philosophy and the Arts by John White Webster, John Ware, Daniel Treadwell (1825)
"Description of a nondescript Species of the genus condylura. ... Cuvier, in the Regne Animal, has suppressed the genus CoNDYLURA, being confident, he says, ..."

3. Medical and Physical Researches: Or, Original Memoirs in Medicine, Surgery by Richard Harlan (1835)
"and allows six false molars above, and eight molars proper; whilst F. Cuvier gives as characteristic of his genus Condylura, two incis. two canine, ..."

4. Trübner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature: A Classed List of by Nicolas Trübner, Benjamin Moran, Edward Edwards (1859)
"Note of the genus condylura of Illiger, by J. Ü. Godman, MD Description of a New Species of Salamander, by Jacob Green. Description of a New Species of the ..."

5. Natural History of New York by New York (State). Natural History Survey, James Ellsworth De Kay (1842)
"genus condylura. Illiger. Muzzle elongated, with radiating cartilages. Incisors six above and four below ; the two intermediate above, largest; spoon-shaped ..."

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