Definition of Genus castanopsis

1. Noun. Evergreen trees and shrubs of warm regions valued for their foliage; southeastern United States and eastern Australia and northern New Zealand.

Exact synonyms: Castanopsis
Generic synonyms: Hamamelid Dicot Genus
Group relationships: Beech Family, Fagaceae, Family Fagaceae
Member holonyms: Oak Chestnut

Lexicographical Neighbors of Genus Castanopsis

genus Carpenteria
genus Carphophis
genus Carpinus
genus Carpobrotus
genus Carpocapsa
genus Carpodacus
genus Carthamus
genus Carum
genus Carya
genus Caryocar
genus Caryota
genus Casmerodius
genus Castanea
genus Castanopsis
genus Castilleia
genus Castilleja
genus Castor
genus Castoroides
genus Casuarina
genus Casuarius
genus Catacala
genus Catalpa
genus Catananche
genus Catasetum
genus Catha
genus Catharacta
genus Catharanthus

Literary usage of Genus castanopsis

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Select Extra-tropical Plants, Readily Eligible for Industrial Culture Or by Ferdinand von Mueller (1895)
"Other species of the genus Castanopsis are valuable, thus according to the Rev. BC Henry the nuts of the Chinese C. jucunda (Hance) are edible. ..."

2. The Tree Book: A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Trees of North America by Julia Ellen Rogers (1905)
"Its wood has the qualities of chestnut lumber, but is heavier. 2. Genus CASTANOPSIS, Spach. The Golden - leaved Chestnut (Castanopsis ..."

3. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Exhibiting a View of the Progressive by Robert Jameson, Sir William Jardine, Henry D Rogers (1863)
"From this we pass to the genus Castanopsis of Spach, which has the inflorescence and the flower of the oaks in the section ..."

4. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal (1863)
"From this we pass to the genus Castanopsis of Spach, which has the inflorescence and the flower of the oaks in the section ..."

5. Manual of Tree Diseases by William Howard Rankin (1918)
"... and the western chinquapin (genus Castanopsis). Pure strains of the Japanese varieties are resistant while all the other species are very susceptible. ..."

6. Pamphlets on Forestry in the Philippine Islands (1903)
"This species is distributed from northern Luzon to the southern part of the Sulu Archipelago. Family FAGACEAE Genus CASTANOPSIS CASTANOPSIS PHILIPPENSIS Vid ..."

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