Definition of Gamma globulin

1. Noun. A plasma protein containing the immunoglobulins that are responsible for immune responses.

Definition of Gamma globulin

1. Noun. A fraction of blood serum containing the most antibodies. ¹

2. Noun. A class of proteins in the blood, identified by their position after serum protein electrophoresis. The most significant gamma globulins are antibodies. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Gamma globulin

1. A non-specific immunoglobulin (antibody) administered for the purpose of passive immunity. A common example is hepatitis A prophylaxis. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gamma Globulin

gamma angle
gamma benzene hexachloride
gamma bomb
gamma bombs
gamma camera
gamma cameras
gamma cell of pancreas
gamma crystallin
gamma decay
gamma decays
gamma efferent
gamma emission
gamma encephalography
gamma fibres
gamma function
gamma globulin
gamma globulins
gamma hydroxybutyrate
gamma iron
gamma knife
gamma knives
gamma loop
gamma motor neurons
gamma motor system
gamma particle
gamma radiation
gamma ray
gamma ray knife
gamma rays
gamma toxin

Literary usage of Gamma globulin

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics (1888)
"The greater part of the excess seen in the total protein figure lies in the gamma globulin fraction. For ninety of the hundred specimens data relating to ..."

2. The Oxford Medicine by Henry Asbury Christian, James Mackenzie (1920)
"... urine and albumin of patient with nephrosis syndrome; 7 = gamma globulin; ... and gamma globulin 3 per cent, in contrast to albumins 26 per cent, ..."

3. Report of the Surgeon Generals Workshop on Children With HIV Infection And edited by Benjamin K. Silverman, Anthony Waddell (1987)
"II) Intravenous gamma globulin. Intravenous gamma globulin has been applied in pediatrie AIDS since 1981. The rationale for the use of this therapy was the ..."

4. The ABCs of Safe & Healthy Child Care: A Handbook for Child Care Providers by Cynthia M. Hale, Jacqueline A. Polder (2000)
"gamma globulin, if administered within the first 2 weeks after exposure, can prevent the infection from spreading to other children and families. ..."

5. Handbook of Severe Disability: A Text for Rehabilitation Counselors, Other edited by Walter C. Stolov, Michael R. Clowers (2000)
"When the fluid has increased protein, generally in the gamma globulin fraction, there is a change in color of the suspension. The dilutions in which this ..."

6. The Never-ceasing Search by Francis Otto Schmitt (1990)
"Thus the "memory" of the organism is encoded in specific gamma globulin ... That is how the invention by vertebrates of this protein, gamma globulin, ..."

7. The Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics (1888)
"The greater part of the excess seen in the total protein figure lies in the gamma globulin fraction. For ninety of the hundred specimens data relating to ..."

8. The Oxford Medicine by Henry Asbury Christian, James Mackenzie (1920)
"... urine and albumin of patient with nephrosis syndrome; 7 = gamma globulin; ... and gamma globulin 3 per cent, in contrast to albumins 26 per cent, ..."

9. Report of the Surgeon Generals Workshop on Children With HIV Infection And edited by Benjamin K. Silverman, Anthony Waddell (1987)
"II) Intravenous gamma globulin. Intravenous gamma globulin has been applied in pediatrie AIDS since 1981. The rationale for the use of this therapy was the ..."

10. The ABCs of Safe & Healthy Child Care: A Handbook for Child Care Providers by Cynthia M. Hale, Jacqueline A. Polder (2000)
"gamma globulin, if administered within the first 2 weeks after exposure, can prevent the infection from spreading to other children and families. ..."

11. Handbook of Severe Disability: A Text for Rehabilitation Counselors, Other edited by Walter C. Stolov, Michael R. Clowers (2000)
"When the fluid has increased protein, generally in the gamma globulin fraction, there is a change in color of the suspension. The dilutions in which this ..."

12. The Never-ceasing Search by Francis Otto Schmitt (1990)
"Thus the "memory" of the organism is encoded in specific gamma globulin ... That is how the invention by vertebrates of this protein, gamma globulin, ..."

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