¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Galvanized
1. galvanize [v] - See also: galvanize
Lexicographical Neighbors of Galvanized
Literary usage of Galvanized
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. International Library of Technology: A Series of Textbooks for Persons by International Textbook Company (1903)
"galvanized iron is iron coated with zinc, the object being to protect its ...
To test the quality of galvanized iron, make a double seam and mallet it down ..."
2. The Corrosion and Preservation of Iron and Steel by Allerton Seward Cushman, Henry Alfred Gardner (1910)
"When the copper sulphate reaction is used in testing galvanized iron it is ...
"A polished oblique section of ordinary hot-galvanized iron etched with ..."
3. Rudder by Thomas Fleming Day (1912)
"2 Mi" x 5" galvanized lag screws for knee $0.10 Paint the seams with red lead,
... galvanized bolts for tunnel sides to knee.. .20 seam as far as possible, ..."
4. American Machinists' Handbook and Dictionary of Shop Terms: A Reference Book by Fred Herbert Colvin, Frank Arthur Stanley (1914)
"For galvanized iron, use muriatic acid, chloride of zinc solution or rosin, and
be sure to see that the acid is neutralized if the work is to be painted. ..."
5. Wire in Electrical Construction by John A. Roebling's Sons Company (1897)
"One-half the breaking weight of a half-inch ordinary galvanized strand is 4 ...
Deducting from this the weight per foot of the half-inch galvanized strand ..."
6. Building Construction and Superintendence by Frank Eugene Kidder (1915)
"grooved together (or, the ridges are to be covered by a galvanized-iron cresting,
as specified elsewhere). 495. Flashing and Tinning. ..."
7. The Water Supply, Sewerage and Plumbing of Modern City Buildings by William Paul Gerhard (1909)
"galvanized Wrought-iron Pipes.— The many points of advantage enumerated have ...
Zinc-coated or galvanized pipes have been used extensively for a number of ..."