Definition of Fuckup
1. Noun. Someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence.
Exact synonyms: Blunderer, Botcher, Bumbler, Bungler, Butcher, Fumbler, Sad Sack, Stumbler
Generic synonyms: Incompetent, Incompetent Person
Derivative terms: Blunder, Botch, Bumble, Bungle, Bungle, Butcherly, Fumble, Stumble
Generic synonyms: Incompetent, Incompetent Person
Derivative terms: Blunder, Botch, Bumble, Bungle, Bungle, Butcherly, Fumble, Stumble
2. Noun. An embarrassing mistake.
Exact synonyms: Bloomer, Blooper, Blunder, Boner, Boo-boo, Botch, Bungle, Flub, Foul-up, Pratfall
Generic synonyms: Error, Fault, Mistake
Specialized synonyms: Bobble, Snafu, Spectacle, Bull, Fumble, Muff, Fluff, Faux Pas, Gaffe, Gaucherie, Slip, Solecism, Howler, Clanger, Misstep, Stumble, Trip, Trip-up
Derivative terms: Blunder, Botch, Botchy, Bungle, Bungle, Flub, Foul Up, Fuck Up
Generic synonyms: Error, Fault, Mistake
Specialized synonyms: Bobble, Snafu, Spectacle, Bull, Fumble, Muff, Fluff, Faux Pas, Gaffe, Gaucherie, Slip, Solecism, Howler, Clanger, Misstep, Stumble, Trip, Trip-up
Derivative terms: Blunder, Botch, Botchy, Bungle, Bungle, Flub, Foul Up, Fuck Up
Definition of Fuckup
1. Noun. (vulgar) A serious mistake. ¹
2. Noun. (vulgar/pejorative) One who continually makes mistakes. ¹
3. Noun. (vulgar/pejorative) An ineffective person. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Fuckup
1. a bungler [n -S] - See also: bungler
Lexicographical Neighbors of Fuckup
fucoid fucoid algae fucoidal fucoidan fucoidans |
Literary usage of Fuckup
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Hackoff.com: An Historic Murder Mystery Set in the Internet Bubble and Rubble by Tom Evslin (2006)
"... February 3, 2000 6:18 PM To: Eve Gross Subject: RE: Journal No, let it go.
Its just one more fuckup by ..."