Definition of Fraction

1. Verb. Perform a division. "Can you divide 49 by seven?"

Exact synonyms: Divide
Category relationships: Arithmetic
Generic synonyms: Calculate, Cipher, Compute, Cypher, Figure, Reckon, Work Out
Specialized synonyms: Halve, Quarter
Derivative terms: Divisible, Division
Antonyms: Multiply

2. Noun. A component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process.
Generic synonyms: Chemical, Chemical Substance
Derivative terms: Fractionate

3. Noun. A small part or item forming a piece of a whole.
Generic synonyms: Part, Portion
Derivative terms: Fractional

4. Noun. The quotient of two rational numbers.

Definition of Fraction

1. n. The act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence.

2. v. t. To separate by means of, or to subject to, fractional distillation or crystallization; to fractionate; -- frequently used with out; as, to fraction out a certain grade of oil from pretroleum.

Definition of Fraction

1. Noun. A part of a whole, especially a comparatively small part. ¹

2. Noun. A ratio of two numbers, the numerator and the denominator, usually written one above the other and separated by a horizontal bar. ¹

3. Noun. (chemistry) A component of a mixture, separated by fractionation. ¹

4. Noun. In a eucharistic service, the breaking of the host. ¹

5. Noun. A small amount. ¹

6. Verb. To divide or break into fractions. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Fraction

1. to divide into portions [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Fraction

1. In chemistry, one of the separable constituents of a substance. This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fraction

fraction (current term)
fraction I protein
fraction collector
fractional condensation
fractional crystallization
fractional currency
fractional distillation
fractional dose
fractional epidural anaesthesia
fractional monetary unit
fractional process
fractional spinal anaesthesia
fractional sterilization

Literary usage of Fraction

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General (1890)
"In any fraction the upper number, or the dividend, is called the numerator, ... If the numerator be less than the denominator, such a fraction is called a ..."

2. Algebra: An Elementary Text Book for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools by George Chrystal (1886)
"Let the fraction be 5/64. Since 64 = 26 this fraction ought to be expressible as ... To express 2/3 as a radix fraction in the scale of 2 to within l/2»th. ..."

3. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)
"Among the most important is the fact that although the amount of DNA in the membrane fraction increases with incubation time in supplemented cell ..."

4. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (1903)
"In gradient fraction X, too few cells were available for a fourth sort fraction. ... The peak included in sort fraction 1 dominates in terms of cell number. ..."

5. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1914)
"A gradual change of color could be seen in going from fraction i, which was pink, to fraction 6, which was pure white. SUMMARY. No. of fraction. ..."

6. American Druggist (1891)
"The filtrate crystallized as it cooled, yielding a large first fraction of ... Each fraction was well washed with cold water, and the acid recovered and ..."

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