Definition of Fire up

1. Verb. Arouse or excite feelings and passions. "Wake old feelings of hatred"

Exact synonyms: Heat, Ignite, Inflame, Stir Up, Wake
Generic synonyms: Arouse, Elicit, Enkindle, Evoke, Fire, Kindle, Provoke, Raise
Specialized synonyms: Ferment
Derivative terms: Heat, Inflaming, Inflammation, Inflammatory

2. Verb. Begin to smoke. "After the meal, some of the diners lit up"
Exact synonyms: Light, Light Up
Entails: Smoke
Generic synonyms: Ignite, Light
Derivative terms: Light

Definition of Fire up

1. Verb. (transitive) To ignite. ¹

2. Verb. (intransitive) Of an engine or similar, to start. ¹

3. Verb. (transitive computing informal) To launch; to run. ¹

4. Verb. (transitive) To excite; to infuse with energy. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fire Up

fire sign
fire signs
fire station
fire stations
fire step
fire stop
fire storm
fire thorn
fire tongs
fire tower
fire tower stairway
fire tree
fire trench
fire truck
fire trucks
fire up
fire walker
fire walking
fire warden
fire watch
fire watcher
fire watching
fire wheel

Literary usage of Fire up

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Peculiar: A Tale of the Great Transition by Epes Sargent (1864)
"... XIII» fire up ! " What is the end and essence of life ? It is to expand all our faculties and affections. It is to grow, to gain by exercise new energy, ..."

2. Wisconsin Journal of Education by Wisconsin Education Association Council, Wisconsin Education Association, Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction (1860)
"And once in a miserable steamer having been weather-bound for twelve hours in a Mediterranean port, we heard with joy the Captain's call, "fire up. ..."

3. The Knickerbocker: Or, New-York Monthly Magazine by Charles Fenno Hoffman, Timothy Flint, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Kinahan Cornwallis, John Holmes Agnew (1858)
"We are carrying thirty pounds of steam now, Sir,' said this important functionary,' which is full as much as the boilers will bear.' ' fire up ..."

4. The London Medical Gazette (1844)
"... as the mere infant can rarely get to the fire. Up to the age of fire, the danger from this source increases every year; for vivacity, curiosity, ..."

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