¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Fearfuller
1. fearful [adj] - See also: fearful
Lexicographical Neighbors of Fearfuller
Literary usage of Fearfuller
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Works of George Meredith by George Meredith (1897)
"... Jacob sprang back; Luigi made a rush; Jacob caught them both, but they wriggled
out of his clutch, and Luigi, being the fearfuller, ran the farthest. ..."
2. Library of Southern Literature by Edwin Anderson Alderman, Joel Chandler Harris, Charles William Kent (1913)
"They trembled to heare our ordinance thinking them fearfuller than any thunder
they had ever heard. The governor being returned from ..."
3. The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society by Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Hume Greenfield, Henry Walter Bates (1843)
"A council was held in the captain's cabin of the " Anne Francis" on the 8th of
August, at which it appeared that " the fearfuller sort of mariners, ..."