Definition of Fatty acid

1. Noun. Any of a class of aliphatic monocarboxylic acids that form part of a lipid molecule and can be derived from fat by hydrolysis; fatty acids are simple molecules built around a series of carbon atoms linked together in a chain of 12 to 22 carbon atoms.

Definition of Fatty acid

1. Noun. (chemistry) Any of a class of aliphatic carboxylic acids, of general formula CnH2n+1COOH, that occur combined with glycerol as animal or vegetable oils and fats. Only those with an even number of carbon atoms are normally found in natural fats. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Fatty acid

1. Any number of saturated aliphatic monocarboxylic acids. A metabolic byproduct from the breakdown of fats. Chemically R COOH where R is an aliphatic moiety. The common fatty acids of biological origin are linear chains with an even number of carbon atoms. Free fatty acids are present in living tissues at low concentrations. The esterified forms are important both as energy storage molecules and structural molecules. See: triglycerides, phospholipids. (15 Nov 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fatty Acid

fatty-acid amide hydrolase
fatty acid
fatty acid 2-chloroethyl ester synthase
fatty acid binding protein
fatty acid binding proteins
fatty acid desaturases
fatty acid methyltransferase
fatty acid oxidation cycle
fatty acid reductase
fatty acid synthase complex
fatty acid synthetase complex
fatty acid thiokinase
fatty acids
fatty acyl ethyl ester synthase
fatty alcohol
fatty alcohols

Literary usage of Fatty acid

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (1903)
"Consump- f the high-fat diet reduced tritium in- ation into fatty acids in liver and adi- ssue of both virgin and lactating mice, rly, rates of fatty acid ..."

2. Composition of Foods: Baked Products: Raw, Processed, Prepared (1994)
"The fatty acid values were then developed from fat contributed by all ingredients as was done with products without added fat. The representative added fat ..."

3. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1910)
"V. Fatty nitrile and the corresponding fatty acid (acetonitrile and acetic acid, propionitrile and propionic acid, etc.). VI. Fatty nitrile and a higher ..."

4. The Journal of Experimental Medicine by Rockefeller University, Rockefeller Institute, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (1906)
"When, however, the calcium forms a combination with the fatty acid moiety alone, as I have noted it in several specimens, then I can demonstrate this fatty ..."

5. American Druggist (1890)
"The rinsings of the condenser are now added to the insoluble fatty acids, the filter is exhausted with hot alcohol to remove adhering fatty acid, ..."

6. A Dictionary of Chemistry and the Allied Branches of Other Sciences by Henry Watts (1865)
"Acetic acid offers one of the best examples of a fatty acid polymeric with ... By doubling the formula of any aldehyde, we get the formula of a fatty acid, ..."

7. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1887)
"The fatty acid product obtained by the respondents, operating in their digesters for nine and a half hours, at an average pressure of 225 pounds, ..."

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