Definition of Ernestine schumann-heink

1. Noun. United States operatic contralto (1861-1936).

Exact synonyms: Schumann-heink
Generic synonyms: Contralto

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ernestine Schumann-heink

Erlenmeyer flasks
Ernest Bevin
Ernest Bloch
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Orlando Lawrence
Ernest Rutherford
Ernest Solvay
Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton
Ernest Walton
Ernestine Schumann-Heink
Ernesto Guevara
Ernst Abbe
Ernst Boris Chain
Ernst Heinrich Haeckel
Ernst Heinrich Weber
Ernst Lubitsch
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Ernst Mach
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann
Ernst Werner von Siemens

Literary usage of Ernestine schumann-heink

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Heart Songs Dear to the American People by Joe Mitchell Chapple (1909)
"ernestine schumann-heink The famous Austrian prima donna. She was born near Prague, Austria. 1861, and at the age of seventeen was leading contralto at the ..."

2. A History of the New York Stage from the First Performance in 1732 to 1901 by Thomas Allston Brown (1903)
"... and Ernestine Schumann-Heink. Tenors: Jacques Bars, Giuseppe Cremonini, Ernest Van Dyck, Andreas Dippel, ..."

3. The Victor Book of the Opera: Stories of Seventy Grand Operas with Three by Samuel Holland Rous, Victor Talking Machine Company (1912)
"... then, repenting, prays that Heaven may soften his heart and lead him to repent. Prison Scene, Part I By Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Contralto (In French) ..."

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