Definition of En passant

1. Adverb. Incidentally; in the course of doing something else. "He made this remark in passing"

Exact synonyms: In Passing

2. Noun. (chess) a chess pawn that is moved two squares can be captured by an opponent's pawn commanding the square that was passed.
Generic synonyms: Capture
Category relationships: Chess, Chess Game

Definition of En passant

1. Prepositional phrase. (context: as an adverb) in passing; incidentally; by the way ¹

2. Prepositional phrase. (context: as an adverb or adjective chess of a move) In which a pawn is captured, by another pawn, as if the captured pawn had moved one square from its initial position instead of two. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of En Passant

en banc
en bloc
en clair
en dash
en dashes
en deshabille
en famille
en flute
en garde
en grappe
en pointe
en prise
en quad
en quads
en rapport
en route
en space
en spaces
en suite
en thyrse

Literary usage of En passant

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Writings of George Washington: Being His Correspondence, Addresses by George Washington (1847)
"... be furnished with some cold repast en passant, or I will take you to my quarters about three miles from the Ferry, where you shall be introduced to a ..."

2. The Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice by James Mason (1896)
"This taking en passant is the sole exception to the rule that a ... en passant. We remark that the Black Pawn at Kt 2, in the diagram just noticed, ..."

3. The Life of John Locke: With Extracts from His Correspondence, Journals, and by Peter King King (1830)
"... this I have mentioned here, may be deferred to another time, and then considered en passant, before we come to take up the particular cases separately. ..."

4. A Chronicle of Friendships, 1873-1900 by Will Hicok Low (1908)
"XXIX LONDON—en passant THE impression of a first visit to Italy, a sojourn of eight months in Florence, and the myriad sentiments evoked to one who ..."

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