Medical Definition of Electrophysiological studies
A special study that involves the placement of electrodes inside the heart to map the electrical characteristics of the heart.
This study is carried out in a specially equipped lab and is similar to a cardiac catheterisation procedure. Electrodes are placed inside the heart via a catheter placed into a vein. The electrodes are positioned near the heart's conduction system and an electrical map of the heart can be determined. This test is often performed in those where a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia is a problem.
The location and characteristics of an arrhythmia can be determined, thus guiding medical management of the problem. Patients with Wolf Parkinson White syndrome or sick sinus syndrome may have this test as part of their evaluation.
Acronym: EPS
(14 Mar 2000)
Lexicographical Neighbors of Electrophysiological Studies
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