Definition of Eastern spruce
1. Noun. Medium-sized spruce of eastern North America; chief lumber spruce of the area; source of pulpwood.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Eastern Spruce
Literary usage of Eastern spruce
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. History of the Lumber Industry of America by James Elliott Defebaugh (1907)
"THE eastern spruce TRADE. The changes wrought by the evolution of transportation
facilities, the necessity arising from the exhaustion or depletion of ..."
2. Lumber, Its Manufacture and Distribution by Ralph Clement Bryant (1922)
"eastern spruce meets with strong competition in the New York market from ...
Softwood products from West Virginia, chiefly hemlock and eastern spruce, ..."
3. Timber, Its Strength, Seasoning, and Grading by Harold Scofield Betts (1919)
"eastern spruce eastern spruce is graded in the Lake States under the rules of
the Northern Pine Manufacturers' Association. In the New England States there ..."
4. Andorra Nurseries: Wm. Warner Harper, Proprietor, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia by William Warner Harper (1903)
"eastern spruce. (Lv) Perfectly hardy; form pyramidal; foliage dark green, ...
Graceful eastern spruce. (VD s) A variety dwarfer than Remonti. ..."
5. Forestry in New England: A Handbook of Eastern Forest Management by Ralph Chipman Hawley, Austin Foster Hawes (1912)
"This is the leading forest region of the country for the production of eastern
spruce and balsam fir lumber. The following table gives the amount of these ..."