Definition of Dummy up

1. Verb. Make a dummy of. "Dummy up the books that are to be published"

Exact synonyms: Dummy
Generic synonyms: Create, Make, Produce

2. Verb. Refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent. "The children shut up when their father approached"

Definition of Dummy up

1. Verb. To make a mock-up or prototype version of something, without some or all off its intended functionality. ¹

2. Verb. (slang) To not answer questions. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Dummy Up

dummies up
dummy bid
dummy bids
dummy board
dummy consultand
dummy out
dummy run
dummy runs
dummy scissors
dummy spit
dummy spits
dummy up
dummy whist
dummying out
dummying up
dump core
dump job
dump on

Literary usage of Dummy up

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Corporate Crime in America: Strengthening the "Good Citizen" Corporation edited by Richard P. Conaboy (1998)
"Barney Miller said, "No, I don't want you to dummy up the records." "Gotcha." "No, I really mean it. I do not want you to dummy up the records. ..."

2. Standard Practical Plumbing: Being a Complete Encyclopædia for Practical by Philip John Davies (1892)
"Keep the dummy up against the sides when trueing it. If you have proceeded properly with this throat part, you will not require to work up the sides or ..."

3. The Argosy by Mrs Henry Wood, Henry Wood, Charles William Wood (1888)
"... wondering what sort of creature that might be, but not liking to show his ignorance by further inquiries. I closed the street door. We carried dummy up ..."

4. Good Bridge: A Classification and Analysis of the Best Plays as Played To by Charles Stuart Street (1907)
"Aces should be played at once, as the leader may be leading from dummy up to a singleton king in his own hand and you should take no chances. ..."

5. The American Amateur Photographer (1901)
"Then, as she had not deserted, I took the dummy up in the tree and screwed it to a branch about six feet above the nest. This I feared would end matters, ..."

6. Domestic Sanitary Engineering and Plumbing by Frank W. Raynes (1920)
"In the latter method of procedure there is less space when beginning to dummy up the throat, but there is ample space if the bend is not pulled up too much ..."

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