¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Dressages
1. dressage [n] - See also: dressage
Lexicographical Neighbors of Dressages
Literary usage of Dressages
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Spiritual Magazine (1862)
"... have " Omens of the Murder of Mr.Blandy":— awful dressages are stated to have
alarmed the family of the r'.unate Mr. Blandy, of Henley, in Oxfordshire, ..."
2. Proceedings by International Railway Congress Association (1893)
"... à partir du moment où celles-ci ont pris leur assiette, ne doit plus être
entretenue, en ce sens qu'il ne doit plus y avoir de dressages et de ..."