¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Dollied
1. dolly [v] - See also: dolly
Lexicographical Neighbors of Dollied
Literary usage of Dollied
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Bulletin by Geological Survey of Western Australia (1908)
"Table showing the Yield from the Carbine Lease. * Includes 79-81 ozs. dollied and
specimens, t Includes 597'32 ozs. ..."
2. Bulletin by Geological Survey of Western Australia (1916)
"Table showing the Yield of the Pioneer Lease. * dollied and specimens. Table showing
Hie Yield of the Sweetheart Lease. ..."
3. Western Australian Year Book by Western Australia Registry Dept (1906)
"... dollied and specimens. EAST MURCHISON GOLDFIELD. The East Murchison Goldfield
was originally proclaimed ou thi 28th June. 1895, but, for administrative ..."
4. Bulletin by Geological Survey of Western Australia (1908)
"Includes .. dollied. I! Includes 537.27'izs. dol- lie-1. THE MINES. Monarch of
the East, GML 137. —This property was abandoned at the time of my visit and ..."
5. Publication by Geological Survey of Queensland (1905)
"Mr. Webb has records of 125 oz. of gold dollied from the- surface stone; and
gold-bearing specimens, shown me by him as from the leaders, indicate a high ..."
6. Annual Report by New South Wales Dept. of Mines, Geological Survey of New South Wales (1880)
"From one of these reefs 13 ozs. were dollied from 26 tons, which, ... May and
party dollied by hand from one of these veins 180 ozs. of very coarse gold. ..."