Definition of Disappearing
1. Noun. The act of leaving secretly or without explanation.
Generic synonyms: Departure, Going, Going Away, Leaving
Specialized synonyms: Vanishing
Antonyms: Appearance
Derivative terms: Disappear, Disappear
Definition of Disappearing
1. Verb. (present participle of disappear) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Disappearing
1. disappear [v] - See also: disappear
Lexicographical Neighbors of Disappearing
Literary usage of Disappearing
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute by United States Naval Institute (1896)
"There can, in my opinion, be no question as to the advantage of the disappearing
system in naval gun-mounts, provided mechanical devices can be found to ..."
2. Over the Alleghanies and Across the Prairies: Personal Recollections of the by John Lewis Peyton (1869)
"the weather had moderated, and the snow was rapidly disappearing, in the course
of two days none remained upon the ground. To my surprise, I found my friend ..."
3. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences by Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (U.S.) (1871)
"... six weeks after the operation ; and the paralysis of the arm and forearm gives
promise of disappearing, but the pulse at the wrist is still absent. ART. ..."
4. Proceedings by Natural Gas Association of America, Modern Language Association of America (1918)
COLUMBUS, OHIO (SEE DRAWING ON PAGE 225) A device such as shown by the ..."
5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1823)
"... we understood everything in a trice ; difficulties were seen taking wing, and
disappearing beyond the horizon ; we found in our breeches-pocket a key to ..."