¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Detersives
1. detersive [n] - See also: detersive
Lexicographical Neighbors of Detersives
Literary usage of Detersives
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (1843)
"... and manly independence, serving as detersives of the grosser humours of
commercial life, and which, filtering through the successive strata of society, ..."
2. A Dictionary of terms used in medicine and the collateral sciences by Richard Dennis Hoblyn (1900)
"Lotions, or other applications, for cleansing sores. Applied to suppurating
surfaces, they are called detersives. ..."
3. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal (1822)
"The next dressing, 1 was provided with vulnerary injections, such as have been
set down in sinuous ulcers, and dressed him up with detersives, ..."