¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Deportations
1. deportation [n] - See also: deportation
Lexicographical Neighbors of Deportations
Literary usage of Deportations
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. International Law and the World War by James Wilford Garner (1920)
"deportations from Belgium. That the German government was not moved by the ...
As to the deportations from the region around Noyon cf. the details and ..."
2. Alsace-Lorraine Since 1870 by Barry Cerf (1919)
"ATROCITIES AND deportations Irrefutable evidence shows that the same sort of ...
deportations such as those which incensed the civilized world in the case ..."
3. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: Embracing by Johann Jakob Herzog, Philip Schaff, Albert Hauck (1911)
"After the deportations of 722, 720, and later, the replanted colony asked
for ' .e ice of the national religion (II Kings Period xv^' ^ S44-)- ..."
4. The New York Times Current History (1917)
"BENEDICT XV., Pope, allocution on deportation of Belgians, 675 ; letter from
Cardinal Gasparri to Cardinal Mercier stating feeling toward deportations of ..."
5. Persona Non Grata: The Expulsion of Civilians from Israeli-occupied Lebanon by Virginia N. Sherry (1999)
"Unlawful deportation, forcible transfers, and forced conscription of protected
persons are grave breaches of the convention.123 deportations and Forcible ..."
6. The Literary Digest History of the World War: Compiled from Original and (1919)
of the desolation of Belgium was brought to London on October 1, 1914, ..."
7. Lille Before and During the War by Michelin (1919)
"The deportations In ]91(i, the prohibitions increased in number, the people being
... These measures paved the way for the deportations of April-May 1916. ..."
8. Belgium: A Personal Narrative by Brand Whitlock (1919)
"... XLV deportations THE slave drive at Brussels began on the twentieth of January.
For several days the polizei had been distributing the yellow cards ..."