Definition of Demisable
1. a. Capable of being leased; as, a demisable estate.
Definition of Demisable
1. Adjective. (legal) Capable of being leased. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Demisable
1. [adj]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Demisable
Literary usage of Demisable
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A Treatise on the American Law of Landlord and Tenant by John Neilson Taylor (1887)
"Personal Chattels upon the Land, how demisable. — It is frequently found convenient,
also, to include in the contract of lease the sheep or other live-stock ..."
2. A Digest of the Laws of England Respecting Real Property by William Cruise (1827)
"And demised or demisable by Copy. 1 lust. 58 6. Kemp v. Carter, 1 Leon. ...
For the said land was not customary, nor was it demisable, as the custom had not ..."
3. A Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold, and Ancient Demesne Tenure: With by Henry Stalman, John Scriven (1846)
"It should seem that even a manor may be demisable by copy (o); but it has been
... Tithes are also demisable by copy (r). And so is common appendant (s), ..."
4. The American Law of Landlord and Tenant by John Neilson Taylor (1904)
"Personal Chattels upon the Land, how demisable. ... and so these have, to a
certain degree, acquired demisable qualities; although the interest which passes ..."
5. A Treatise on Copyholds: Customary Freeholds, Ancient Demesne, and the by John Scriven (1833)
"IT should seem that even a manor may be demisable by copy (e); but it has been
said, that the lord of the customary manor could not keep Courts Baron to ..."
6. The Law of Copyholds: In Reference to the Enfranchisement and Commutation of by Leonard Shelford (1858)
"... must be parcel of a manor and have bee immemorially demised or demisable by
copy of com (y) Finch's case, 6 Rep. 64 a.; ante, p. 28. (z) 2 Rep. ..."
7. The Law of Copyholds: In Reference to the Enfranchisement and Commutation of by Leonard Shelford (1853)
"... Destruction of their demisable quality. maybe'™-* ... immemorially demised or
demisable by copy of court ..."