¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Cruelest
1. cruel [adj] - See also: cruel
Lexicographical Neighbors of Cruelest
Literary usage of Cruelest
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Medical Record by George Frederick Shrady, Thomas Lathrop Stedman (1890)
"For Griping in the Stom- ack drink a Gallon of warm Whey, and if possible a gallon
of warm Water." " The Dry-Gripes is the cruelest kind of ..."
2. The War Guilt and Peace Crime of the Entente Allies by Stewart E. Bruce (1920)
"It was, in the cruelest sense, ... A war of extermination means the wiping out
of men, women and children, the cruelest and most beastly of all wars. ..."
3. A History of Matrimonial Institutions Chiefly in England and the United by George Elliott Howard (1904)
"... the cruelest bonds of the cruelest prostitution human beings who have, by
their foolishness, by their want of wisdom, or by the intervention of friends, ..."
4. Wisconsin in Three Centuries, 1634-1905 by Henry Colin Campbell (1906)
"In those days the Sioux, who are now regarded as the cruelest of the savages in
the Northwest, were far more humane than most of their neighbors. ..."
5. On the Face of the Waters: A Tale of the Mutiny by Flora Annie Webster Steel (1897)
"Mrs. Gissing, the sex is the cruelest thing in it. and you, as I'm always telling
you, are the cruelest of your sex." His manner was detestable, ..."
6. The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the War Between the States: As Set by George Llewellyn Christian (1907)
"cruelest CONQUERORS. It remained for these, our Southern States, with this State
of Virginia leading and guiding the others, (as we fear the record shows) ..."