Medical Definition of Crohn disease: phases
Nonstenotic phase: blunting, flattening, distortion, straightening, and thickening of mucosal folds (early event from obstructive lymphadema), aphthous ulcers: nodules with shallow central ulcerations, cobblestoning: serpiginous ulcers separated by areas of oedema, pseudopolyps: hyperplastic mucosa between denuded mucosa, postinflammatory polyps, skip lesions (90%), pseudodiverticula: bulging area of normal wall opposite affected scarred wall, mostly on the antimesenteric side, separation and displacement of small bowel loops (from increase in mesenteric fat, enlarged nodes, or perforation with abscess formation), stenotic phase: string sign: strictures (most in TI) in rigid loops, normal proximal loops may be dilated with stasis ulcers and fecoliths see: Crohn disease
(12 Dec 1998)
Lexicographical Neighbors of Crohn Disease: Phases
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