Definition of Cremaster
1. n. A thin muscle which serves to draw up the testicle.
Definition of Cremaster
1. Noun. (anatomy) A thin muscle attached to the testicles. ¹
2. Noun. (zoology) In the pupae of certain species of butterfly, a hook-shaped protuberance from the rear of the chrysalis casing, by which the caterpillar fixes itself to the pad of silk it has cemented to the underside of a perch. ¹
¹ Source:
Medical Definition of Cremaster
Origin, from internal oblique muscle and inguinal ligament; insertion, cremasteric fascia (spermatic cord); action, raises testicle; nerve supply, genital branch of genitofemoral; in the male the muscle envelops the spermatic cord and testis, in the female, the round ligament of the uterus.
See: cremasteric fascia.
Synonym: musculus cremaster, Riolan's muscle.
Origin: G. Kremaster, a suspender, in pl. The muscles by which the testicles are retracted, fr. Kremannymi, to hang
(05 Mar 2000)
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