Definition of Creepy-crawly

1. Adjective. Causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin. "I had a creepy-crawly feeling"

Exact synonyms: Creepy
Similar to: Alarming
Derivative terms: Creepiness

2. Noun. An animal that creeps or crawls (such as worms or spiders or insects).
Generic synonyms: Animal, Animate Being, Beast, Brute, Creature, Fauna

Definition of Creepy-crawly

1. Noun. Any small crawling animal such as a spider, insect or worm. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Creepy-crawly

creeping ulcer
creeping willow
creeping wintergreen
creeping wood sorrel
creeping zinnia
creepy-crawly (current term)

Literary usage of Creepy-crawly

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Pat M'Carty, Farmer, of Antrim: His Rhymes, with a Setting by John Stevenson (1905)
"It matters not that an object may have wings neatly tucked away under elytra—the means are not visible — therefore it is creepy-crawly. ..."

2. The Sprague Classic Readers: Book Three by Sarah E. Sprague (1902)
"One day Creepy-Crawly went creeping and crawling through the house. ... Creepy-Crawly saw the braided mat. Then he saw old Blinky-Winky. Was she asleep? ..."

3. Elson Primary School Reader by William Harris Elson (1913)
"Round and round the Tree they went, creepy, crawly. They looked and looked and looked. ... They ran all over the Tree, creepy, crawly, creepy, crawly. ..."

4. The Elson Readers by William Harris Elson, Christine M. Keck (1920)
"Round and round the Tree they went, creepy, crawly. They looked and looked and looked. ... They ran all over the Tree, creepy, crawly, creepy, crawly. ..."

5. Apprenticeship in Literacy: Transitions Across Reading and Writing by Linda J. Dorn, Cathy French, Tammy Jones (1998)
"He would go out in the yard and get these creepy, crawly bugs and things, and he would throw ... he would get creepy, crawly things and throw them on her). ..."

6. The Sprague Classic Readers: Book One : a Primer by Sarah E. Sprague (1903)
"I am glad she is asleep. I do not like cats. I will run home. Good-bye, old cat!" The cat did not see Creepy-Crawly. She did not hear Creepy-Crawly. ..."

7. Pat M'Carty, Farmer, of Antrim: His Rhymes, with a Setting by John Stevenson (1905)
"It matters not that an object may have wings neatly tucked away under elytra—the means are not visible — therefore it is creepy-crawly. ..."

8. The Sprague Classic Readers: Book Three by Sarah E. Sprague (1902)
"One day Creepy-Crawly went creeping and crawling through the house. ... Creepy-Crawly saw the braided mat. Then he saw old Blinky-Winky. Was she asleep? ..."

9. Elson Primary School Reader by William Harris Elson (1913)
"Round and round the Tree they went, creepy, crawly. They looked and looked and looked. ... They ran all over the Tree, creepy, crawly, creepy, crawly. ..."

10. The Elson Readers by William Harris Elson, Christine M. Keck (1920)
"Round and round the Tree they went, creepy, crawly. They looked and looked and looked. ... They ran all over the Tree, creepy, crawly, creepy, crawly. ..."

11. Apprenticeship in Literacy: Transitions Across Reading and Writing by Linda J. Dorn, Cathy French, Tammy Jones (1998)
"He would go out in the yard and get these creepy, crawly bugs and things, and he would throw ... he would get creepy, crawly things and throw them on her). ..."

12. The Sprague Classic Readers: Book One : a Primer by Sarah E. Sprague (1903)
"I am glad she is asleep. I do not like cats. I will run home. Good-bye, old cat!" The cat did not see Creepy-Crawly. She did not hear Creepy-Crawly. ..."

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