Definition of Cradle cap

1. Noun. A dermatitis of the scalp that is common in infants.

Generic synonyms: Dermatitis

Definition of Cradle cap

1. Noun. (medicine) A form of seborrheic dermatitis that occurs on the scalp of infants ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Cradle cap

1. A form of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp in infants that is characterised by flaky or scaly skin which may be reddened. May involve the skin on the nose, eyebrows, scalp, ears and skin of the trunk (in skin folds). A weak 0.5% hydrocortisone cream can be effective in controlling this problem. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cradle Cap

cracky wagon
cradle cap
cradle caps
cradle robber
cradle snatcher
cradle snatchers

Literary usage of Cradle cap

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Infant feeding by Clifford Groselle Grulee (1917)
"The cradle cap is a grayish or yellowish-gray discoloration of the scalp in the region of the large fontanel. It is most often regarded as "dirt," and the ..."

2. Handbook of the 8-inch Howitzer Matériel, Model of 1917...: With by United States Army. Ordnance Dept (1918)
"However, the bottom of the hole D is level with the bottom of the hole E. Lash the howitzer to the cradle before removing the front cradle cap, ..."

3. Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society by American Folklore Society (1896)
"South Carolina. 33. Do not go for the first time into the room where the infant is without removing the veil and gloves. 34. If the " cradle cap " of a baby ..."

4. The Baby's First Two Years by Richard Mason Smith, Rosalind Huidekoper Greene (1915)
"For the first few months soap should not be applied more than two or three times a week. If there are scales present, — the so-called "cradle-cap ..."

5. The Care of the Skin: Some Common Diseases of the Skin and the Simplest by Charles James White (1914)
"... the so-called cradle cap easily becomes rancid, and the consequent irritation soon may give rise to the condition which we know as eczema. ..."

6. Obstetrics for Nurses by Charles Bert Reed (1917)
"R Naphthalene Si Starch 3iv Zinc stearate 3iv M. Sig. Apply frequently. The "cradle cap" is a frequent sign of the exudative diathesis in its milder stages. ..."

7. Infant feeding by Clifford Groselle Grulee (1917)
"The cradle cap is a grayish or yellowish-gray discoloration of the scalp in the region of the large fontanel. It is most often regarded as "dirt," and the ..."

8. Handbook of the 8-inch Howitzer Matériel, Model of 1917...: With by United States Army. Ordnance Dept (1918)
"However, the bottom of the hole D is level with the bottom of the hole E. Lash the howitzer to the cradle before removing the front cradle cap, ..."

9. Memoirs of the American Folk-lore Society by American Folklore Society (1896)
"South Carolina. 33. Do not go for the first time into the room where the infant is without removing the veil and gloves. 34. If the " cradle cap " of a baby ..."

10. The Baby's First Two Years by Richard Mason Smith, Rosalind Huidekoper Greene (1915)
"For the first few months soap should not be applied more than two or three times a week. If there are scales present, — the so-called "cradle-cap ..."

11. The Care of the Skin: Some Common Diseases of the Skin and the Simplest by Charles James White (1914)
"... the so-called cradle cap easily becomes rancid, and the consequent irritation soon may give rise to the condition which we know as eczema. ..."

12. Obstetrics for Nurses by Charles Bert Reed (1917)
"R Naphthalene Si Starch 3iv Zinc stearate 3iv M. Sig. Apply frequently. The "cradle cap" is a frequent sign of the exudative diathesis in its milder stages. ..."

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