Definition of Corruptionist
1. n. One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption.
Definition of Corruptionist
1. Noun. One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Corruptionist
1. [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Corruptionist
Literary usage of Corruptionist
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Democratic Speaker's Hand-book by A R Cazauran (1868)
"Only one member of Lincoln's original Cabinet is now acting with the Radicals,
and that one is the notorious corruptionist, Simon Cameron. ..."
2. The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (1892)
"If money is no longer to be the controlling factor in the election, will it be
either expedient or wise to put a professional corruptionist in charge of the ..."
3. The Works of Jeremy Bentham by Jeremy Bentham, John Bowring (1843)
"But neither for the defence of this institution, nor of any other still more
atrocious, if any such were conceivable, would a corruptionist or lawyer in ..."
4. The Annual Register edited by Edmund Burke (1907)
"In the end the honest man, rich or poor, had as much to fear from the insincere
and unworthy demagogue as from the crafty corruptionist. ..."
5. Readings on Parties and Elections in the United States by Chester Lloyd Jones (1912)
"Popular elections would present no insuperable barrier to the demagogue and to
the corruptionist. Indeed, it is a debatable question, whether he would not ..."
6. The Canadian Monthly and National Review by William White (1872)
"If there is reason to fear that those who sell their votes will not deliver the
article for which they have been paid, the corruptionist has only to buy the ..."