Definition of Cook
1. Verb. Prepare a hot meal. "My husband doesn't cook"
Generic synonyms: Create From Raw Material, Create From Raw Stuff
Derivative terms: Cookery, Cooking
2. Noun. Someone who cooks food.
Generic synonyms: Skilled Worker, Skilled Workman, Trained Worker
Specialized synonyms: Fannie Farmer, Fannie Merritt Farmer, Farmer
3. Verb. Prepare for eating by applying heat. "The chefs cook the vegetables"; "Fix breakfast for the guests, please"
Specialized synonyms: Keep, Preserve, Dress, Dress Out, Deglaze, Escallop, Scallop, Flambe, Put On, Devil, Precook, Whip Up, Whomp Up, Concoct, Cook Up, Lard
Generic synonyms: Create From Raw Material, Create From Raw Stuff
Related verbs: Make
Derivative terms: Cooker, Cookery, Cooking, Preparation
4. Noun. English navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779).
5. Verb. Transform and make suitable for consumption by heating. "The chefs cook the vegetables"; "These potatoes have to cook for 20 minutes"
Specialized synonyms: Bake, Brown, Coddle, Souse, Micro-cook, Microwave, Nuke, Zap, Blanch, Parboil, Overcook, Fricassee, Stew, Roast, Braise, Fry, Grill, Steam, Pressure-cook, Poach
Derivative terms: Cookery, Cooking
6. Verb. Tamper, with the purpose of deception. "Falsify the data"
Generic synonyms: Cheat, Chisel
Specialized synonyms: Juggle
Also: Cook Up
Derivative terms: Fake, Fake, Faker, Fakery, Falsification, Falsification, Falsifier, Falsity, Misrepresentation, Wangle, Wangler
7. Verb. Transform by heating. "The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle"
Definition of Cook
1. v. i. To make the noise of the cuckoo.
2. v. t. To throw.
3. n. One whose occupation is to prepare food for the table; one who dresses or cooks meat or vegetables for eating.
4. v. t. To prepare, as food, by boiling, roasting, baking, broiling, etc.; to make suitable for eating, by the agency of fire or heat.
5. v. i. To prepare food for the table.
Definition of Cook
1. Proper noun. An English surname. ¹
2. Noun. (cooking) A person who prepares food for a living. ¹
3. Noun. (cooking) The head cook of a manor house ¹
4. Verb. (transitive) To prepare (food) for eating by heating it, often by combining it with other ingredients. ¹
5. Verb. (intransitive of a person) To prepare (unspecified) food for eating by heating it, often by combining it with other ingredients. ¹
6. Verb. (intransitive of food) To become ready for eating by the application of heat. ¹
7. Verb. (intransitive colloquial) To be uncomfortably hot. ¹
8. Verb. (transitive) To briefly hold on to a grenade after igniting the fuse, so that it explodes almost immediately after being thrown. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Cook
1. to prepare food by heating [v -ED, -ING, -S] : COOKABLE [adj]