Definition of Cold sore

1. Noun. Caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1).

Exact synonyms: Fever Blister, Herpes Labialis, Oral Herpes
Generic synonyms: Herpes Simplex

Definition of Cold sore

1. Noun. a small bump on the lips resulting from infection by the herpes virus ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Cold sore

1. An infection of the lips or mouth which results in a blistery sore that is caused by Herpes simplex type 1. Painful blisters (eventually becoming ulcers) will often presenting on the lips or nasal mucosa. Infected individuals should avoid contact with others due to potential for transfer of the infection. Herpes labialis tends to be recurrent and often exacerbated by stress, sunlight, fever or illness. Treatment includes the use of antiviral creams (acyclovir) and oral medications (acyclovir). Pre-treatment with oral acyclovir, in those prone to cold sores (prior to sun exposure, etc.) has been shown to decrease exacerbations. (27 Sep 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cold Sore

cold read
cold reading
cold readings
cold roll
cold rubber
cold sell
cold sensitive enzyme
cold short
cold shoulder
cold shoulders
cold sleep
cold smoking
cold snap
cold snaps
cold sober
cold sores
cold spell
cold spleen lesion
cold spot
cold spots
cold stage
cold steel
cold storage
cold stuffed tomato
cold sweat
cold tap
cold thyroid nodule
cold trap
cold turkey

Literary usage of Cold sore

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Werner's Readings and Recitations (1891)
"To Stop a cold sore.—At the first indication of a cold sore, press the spot with a thimble or other hard substance, and apply tincture of camphor; ..."

2. The Test drug-proving of the "O.O. & L. Society" by Howard P. Bellows (1906)
"E. Cold-sore on upper lip. [7th day of medication: pimples on forehead, ... Cold-sore on upper lip. 14. General Systemic Condition Sleep restless, ..."

3. Diseases of the Skin: Their Pathology and Treatment by Milton Bixler Hartzell (1917)
"One variety occurs in the face, hence is known as herpes facialis (herpes labialis, herpes febrilis, cold-sore) ; the other affects the genital region, ..."

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