Definition of Cognate

1. Adjective. Related in nature. "Connate qualities"

Exact synonyms: Connate
Similar to: Related, Related To

2. Noun. One related by blood or origin; especially on sharing an ancestor with another.
Exact synonyms: Blood Relation, Blood Relative, Sib
Generic synonyms: Relation, Relative

3. Adjective. Having the same ancestral language. "Cognate languages"
Category relationships: Linguistics
Similar to: Related, Related To

4. Noun. A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language.
Exact synonyms: Cognate Word
Generic synonyms: Word

5. Adjective. Related by blood.
Exact synonyms: Akin, Blood-related, Consanguine, Consanguineal, Consanguineous, Kin
Similar to: Related
Derivative terms: Consanguinity, Kin, Kin

Definition of Cognate

1. a. Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (Law), related on the mother's side.

2. n. One who is related to another on the female side.

Definition of Cognate

1. Adjective. (linguistics) Either descended from the same attested source lexeme of ancestor language, or held on the grounds of the methods of historical linguistics to be regular reflexes of the unattested, reconstructed form of proto-language. ¹

2. Noun. One of a number of things allied in origin or nature. ¹

3. Noun. (legal dated) One who is related to another on the female side. ¹

4. Noun. (legal dated) One who is related to another, both having descended from a common ancestor through legal marriages. ¹

5. Noun. A word either descended from the same base word of the same ancestor language as the given word, or strongly believed to be a regular reflex of the same reconstructed root of proto-language as the given word. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Cognate

1. one that is related to another [n -S]

Medical Definition of Cognate

1. Refers to two biomolecules that typically interact (for example, a receptor and its ligand). (09 Oct 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cognate

cognate (current term)
cognate word

Literary usage of Cognate

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures by Thomas Hartwell Horne (1841)
"The cognate or Kindred Languages are of considerable use in sacred criticism. ... For Notices of the principal Grammars and Lexicons of the cognate ..."

2. A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect by David Binning Monro (1882)
"A cognate Ace. is generally used to introduce the Adjective or Pronoun which ... cognate Accusative. This term denotes that the Verb is construed with a ..."

3. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on by Joseph Henry Allen, James Bradstreet Greenough, Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge (1903)
"The last example approaches the cognate construction (cf. the second ... cognate Accusative 390. An intransitive verb often takes the Accusative of a noun ..."

4. The Mother Tongue by Sarah Louise Arnold, George Lyman Kittredge, John Hays Gardiner (1901)
"A noun in this construction is called the cognate Object of the verb and is ... The neuter pronoun it is used as a cognate object in such expressions as go ..."

5. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Walter William Skeat (1893)
"Du. daar, »re cognate with E. there. ^[ The interj. hey is older ; see above. HEY, interjection. (E.) ME Ari, Legend of St. Katharine, 1. ..."

6. Transactions of the Philological Society by Philological Society (Great Britain). (1893)
"Founded on an Old-Celtic *l«kko- from *lek-no-. cognate with Truss ... W. moch-yn, pi. moch ; Old-Celtic *mukku- ; pre-Celtic *muk-nu, cognate with Lat. ..."

7. The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis: With Notes Adapted to the by Xenophon, Morris Hicky Morgan (1896)
"6., and the cognate ace. of the thing, i. 9. 13, vii. 6. 14, sometimes with both aces, ... 6, the cognate ace. remaining unchanged in the pass., v. 7. 84. ..."

8. Syntax of Early Latin by Charles Edwin Bennett (1914)
"... with Ace. of Inner Obj., 202 ; with Aec. of Thing Affected, 209; with two cognate Accusative, 197 fit. cognato», with dat., 179. cuyo, with two aces., ..."

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