Definition of Clematis crispa

1. Noun. Climber of southern United States having bluish-purple flowers.

Lexicographical Neighbors of Clematis Crispa

Cleemann's sign
Cleese's woolly lemur
Cleese's woolly lemurs
Cleistes divaricata
Cleistes rosea
Cleland's reagent
Cleland nomenclature
Clematis baldwinii
Clematis crispa
Clematis lasiantha
Clematis ochreleuca
Clematis tangutica
Clematis texensis
Clematis versicolor
Clematis verticillaris
Clematis viorna
Clematis virginiana
Clematis vitalba
Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier
Clement Attlee

Literary usage of Clematis crispa

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Or, Flower-garden Displayed by John Sims (1817)
"Though the plant here figured is generally believed to be the CLEMATIS crispa of LINNAEUS, we are not quite satisfied that it is so. ..."

2. Plant Life of Alabama: An Account of the Distribution, Modes of Association by Charles Mohr (1901)
"May. Climber. Type locality: " Hab. in Carolina." Herb. Geol. Surv. Herb. Mohr. clematis crispa walteri (Pursh) Gray, Bot. Mag. under t. 6594. 1881. ..."

3. Drugs and medicines of North America: A Publication Devoted to the by John Uri Lloyd, Curtis Gates Lloyd (1885)
"Branch of clematis crispa : I, transverse section of the four sepals ; 2, ... Gray, and clematis crispa Linit., are three closely related native species. ..."

4. Gray's School and Field Book of Botany: Consisting of "Lessons in Botany by Asa Gray (1887)
"Thus clematis crispa, L.Ï expresses a doubt whether the plant in question is really the clematis crispa of Linnaeus. ..."

5. The Elements of Botany for Beginners and for Schools by Asa Gray (1887)
"The interrogation point is used in botany to indicate doubt. Thus clematis crispa, LV expresses a doubt whether the plant in question is really the Clematis ..."

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