Definition of Classman

1. n. A member of a class; a classmate.

Definition of Classman

1. Noun. A member of a class; a classmate. ¹

2. Noun. (UK Oxford University) A candidate for graduation in arts who is placed in an honour class, as opposed to a passman, who is not classified. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Classman

1. a person who has gained honours at Oxford [n CLASSMEN]

Literary usage of Classman

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Annual American Catalog, 1900-1909 (1910)
"Annapolis second classman. 'og(Ni3) с. il. D. t$i.25. Penn Pub. Co. Silver horde. '09(825) c. il. D. t$i-5O. Beach patrol. Drysdale, W: t$i-So. Wilde. ..."

2. The Classic; Or, Summary of Mental Improvement and Moral Entertainment (1801)
"... will speak in public as they do in private, when they speak in earnest, and from the heart. ANTICIPATION A FOLLY. The Fable of the Persian classman. ..."

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