Definition of Cheerer
1. Noun. A spectator who shouts encouragement.
Definition of Cheerer
1. n. One who cheers; one who, or that which, gladdens.
Definition of Cheerer
1. Noun. A person who, or a thing that cheers ¹
2. Noun. (Northern England) A glass of spirit with warm water ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Cheerer
1. one that cheers [n -S] - See also: cheers
Lexicographical Neighbors of Cheerer
Literary usage of Cheerer
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Chief American Poets by Curtis Hidden Page (1905)
"Zigzag steerer, desert cheerer, Let me chase thy waving lines; Keep me nearer,
me thy hearer, Singing over shrubs and vines. » Insect lover of the sun, ..."
2. Uncle Sam's Recommendation of Phrenology to His Millions of Friends in the by Warren] [Burton (1842)
"A cheerer. SHOULD any feeling have an organ of its own, surely Hope ought, it is
so important an element in human happiness. As well might birds be without ..."
3. A Dictionary of the English Language: Compiled for the Use of Common Schools by Noah Webster (1817)
"... n. the side of the face Cheekbone, n. the high bone in the cheek Cheer, n.
entertainment, jollity, huzza Cheer, ti. to encourage, grow gay cheerer, ..."
4. An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language: To which is Prefixed, a by John Jamieson (1879)
"cheerer, t. A glass of spirits and warm water, South of S., ... When we had
discussed one cheerer,—I began, as we were both ..."